The spiritual and emotional journey of infertility changes a woman.

It changes how you see yourself.

It’s a turning point in life you never planned.

Infertility is unplanned – we discover it when we have become desirous of having children – and it can stir feelings to the core.

Feeling isolated, being exposed, like life is on hold, or you’re being invaded, can lead to other feelings: anger, despair, loss, and downright stress.

If this is how you feel, you’re not being neurotic.

You’re sad and need to talk with a trained professional who understands the depth of feeling broken.

There’s no need to suffer alone.

The journey through infertility can be a roller coaster.

Learning how to cope, practice good self-care, and find compassion within will change you.

I can help you move from feeling broken to feeling whole, regardless of the outcome.

What Now?

Psychotherapy is first talking about these feelings of isolation, feeling exposed, and a canopy of other feelings. Psychotherapy is about putting language to the awful pit in your stomach that will not go away.

Call me at (703) 356-5829. Let’s talk more about how psychotherapy will help dissipate and metabolize these feelings so that you can get on with better self-care, compassion, and coping with whatever life throws at you.

I am here to help you. You are not alone.